Commercial Air-Source Heat Pump Retrofit & Upgrade

Commercial Air-Source Heat Pump Retrofit & Upgrade logo
Cowlitz PUD incentives make it more affordable for businesses to increase the efficiency of commercial heating systems with heat pump installations, conversions and upgrades. Let us help your business lower electricity costs and improve workplace comfort.
  • Increased value of commercial space
  • Less maintenance than traditional heating systems
  • Long life span
  • Energy cost savings

Incentive Information

Retrofit or Conversion: $700 per ton
Upgrade: $150 per ton

See Program Details for information regarding system efficiency requirements.

Retrofit or Conversion: For spaces conditioned by zonal or forced-air electric resistance heat as the primary heating source. No other heating sources are eligible.

Upgrade: For new construction/major renovation projects, retrofits replacing existing heat pumps, or retrofits replacing equipment using a fuel source other than electric.
1. You must be an active Cowlitz PUD customer served by a non-residential rate. To be eligible for an incentive, your account must be in good standing. Cowlitz PUD reserves the right to withhold incentive funds and apply to past-due account balance.

2. The installed air-source heat pump must have an AHRI certificate of product ratings.

3. For heat pump upgrade projects, the installed air-source heat pump must meet BPA’s energy efficiency specifications for both heating and cooling which are listed below:
Minimum Efficiency Requirements for Equipment <65,000 BTU/H:
Split System: 8.1 HSPF2 or 9.6 HSPF
Single Package: 7.0 HSPF2 or 8.3 HSPF

Minimum Efficiency Requirements for Equipment ≥65,000 and <135,000 BTU/H:
Split System and Single Package, 47˚F db/43˚F wb outdoor air: 3.5 COP

Minimum Efficiency Requirements for Equipment ≥135,000 BTU/H:
Split System and Single Package, 47˚F db/43˚F wb outdoor air: 3.4 COP

4. Program requirements and available incentives are subject to change without prior notice.
Steps to Participate
1. Contact Cowlitz PUD Energy Efficiency Services to confirm eligibility prior to starting the project.

2. Upon project completion, submit the following items to Cowlitz PUD: A completed "Air-Source Heat Pump (ASHP) – Retrofits and Upgrades Project Information Form", the AHRI certificate of product ratings, and a copy of the installation contractor’s invoice, including the manufacturer and model number of the equipment installed.

3. Cowlitz PUD will verify the project meets program requirements. The incentive will be processed once verification is complete, and a check will be mailed within eight weeks of approval.

Contact Cowlitz PUD Energy Efficiency Services at:
(360) 501-9514 • Toll-Free: (800) 631-1131 • Email: